
To build community that values being raw, real, and truthful over what’s comfortable, convenient, or profitable.


To create safe spaces for people to access their intuition, feel their true needs, feelings, and desires, and strengthen their connection to their authenticity. Where it is celebrated to be the messy, vulnerable human beings we are, and where we are invited to rise, again and again, through the mess in order to repair generations of broken trust and build healthy, loving relationships and communities.

“If you trade your authenticity for safety you may experience the following: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable grief.” 

- Brene Brown


What would it be like to experience a day where you wake up and are simply at peace. A day where you aren’t asked to make a series of self-suppressing choices just to get by. A day where you get to be the human that you are, and are appreciated for the gift that you are to the world. A day that ends with exhaustion not from over-working, but because your life and work are your Being well-used. A day where you go to bed knowing who you are, loving who you are, and truly feeling that you are loved for who you are.

What would it be like to exist in a culture where it is safe to try new things, make mistakes, change our minds, give up, and try again. Where people are free to be in a state of perpetual becoming; of re-discovering who they are and falling in love with what they find again and again. Where hard feelings are as welcome as the easy ones and no one has to choose between authenticity and survival.

What would it be like to live in a world where conflict is resolved through connection. Where harm is met with healing, accountability, and support rather than punishment and incarceration. Where it is safe enough to put down our armor, to soften and connect with our own humanity so that we can see the humanity in others. Where the feelings, needs, desires, and perceptions of every person are valued as essential to the process of repair. Where compromise is an antiquated concept because we now know that no one need give anything up to satisfy the needs of another.

Imagine allowing yourself to be exactly who you are as you are and discovering that, not only are you enough, you are exactly what the world needs.


Giving voice to what is…

Witnessing our humanity

The Courage of Vulnerability

Intuition & body wisdom