No one knows you better than YOU.

Build your own program of support that meets you exactly where you are, honors your history, and connects you to yourself.

  • Authenticity is not Prescriptive.

    Here you will find a smorgasbord of support to choose from and you can choose as many or as few as feels right for you.

    As your Authenticity Doula I will support you through whatever you choose — creating a container for you to be exactly who you are, build secure attachment within yourself, and discover parts of yourself you didn’t know existed.

    *If cost is a limiting factor for you, please reach out for scholarship information.

  • Cuddle Sessions

    Return to your body & co-regulate your nervous system.

  • Radical Authenticity

    Heal the wounds that keep you from being yourself.

  • Radical Life Coaching

    Create the life that matches who you are.

  • Authenticity in Relationships

    Partner with your people to be who you are, belong, and be free together.

  • Go Deeper...

    …and help me practice what I’m learning.

    These offerings are exploratory, experimental, or utilize modalities that I am actively learning. Sessions are highly collaborative and I invite feedback during and after our session.

    The sliding scale for these sessions is by donation.

  • Body Art

    Imagine your insides on your outsides and see it come to life.


Life Coach, Authenticity Doula, CoDA Sponsor, Human…

No matter what hat I wear, my mission is to help people have reparative experiences, regulate their nervous system, and create a safe container to access and embody their authenticity.


Hi, I’m Melinda, and I’m a special kind of relationship nerd.

I have bumbled and stumbled and occasionally made my way with intention into the work I do. My path has not been linear, nor has it fit the model of professional career path or academic study that is valued by the predominant culture. Ghandi said “my life is my message,” and the more I do this work the more his words resonate with me. All the healing, growth, transformation, and repair that unfolds in my day-to-day life and is woven through my history directly informs and enhances the work I do in the world. I have been my own case study for everything I bring to my clients and I continue to be humbled by the curriculum my life provides.

So what happens in my daily life that so profoundly affects my work? Healing my own dysfunctional relational patterns and generational trauma, dismantling what’s socially acceptable for what’s real and true, practicing vulnerability and self compassion, partnering in relationships in a way that builds intimacy and connects us to our humanity… all this made possible in community with other incredible humans doing the same. It is the messiest, scariest, most beautiful and satisfying thing I’ve ever experienced.

Enough about work though. You want to know who I am? Today I am a queer, poly, recovering codependent, artist practicing relationship anarchy, stretching my edges, perpetually becoming, falling apart and putting myself back together one day at a time.


I offer a sliding scale as an invitation into personal healing around money. This includes disparity in economic conditions and access to wealth, generational themes of scarcity and extraction, familial relationships involving money, and traumas around personal value.

Choose the hourly rate that reflects the difference this would make in your life and is not a hardship for you:

$100 - $400

What amount are you an emphatic "YES" to giving?

Consider what would be authentic for you, and give only that. Remember that over-giving is one of the leading causes of resentment and spoiled relationships.

Other Considerations:

This is also an opportunity for those with more wealth to help cover the costs of those with less access to wealth and resources. I trust your discernment of your current financial situation and how you fit into the global economic context. As you decide what amount to pay, please consider your present-day financial situation governed by income, but also the following factors:

  • Historical discrimination faced by your peoples

  • Your financial wealth (retirement/savings/investments)

  • Your access to income and financial wealth, both current and anticipated (how easily could you earn more income compared to other people in your community, country, and the world, and are you expecting an inheritance)

  • People counting on your financial livelihood including dependents and community members

  • The socio-economic conditions of your locale (relative to other places in your country and in the world)

  • Your relationship to food & resource scarcity.

*Sliding scale and considerations were modeled after the fee structure at Embodied Astrology.

Not sure what you want or need?

Not finding it here?

I’ll help you clarify where you’re at now, where you’re headed, and what practitioners, resources, and support would make the biggest difference along the way.